How Do SupaMAX Beads Work
SupaMAX Beads work using the same principal as traditional clip on or stick on wheel weights – they simply offset any heavy areas in the rotating mass.
The beauty of SupaMAX Beads is they also offset any heavy or unbalanced parts of the brake and/or axle assembly, not just the wheel and tyre (which is all that clip on/stick on weights can balance).
Because the beads are dynamic they also automatically adjust to any changes in your tyres, wheels, brake or axle assembly, making them also far more effective that traditional balancing weights…
SupaMAX Balancing in Practice…

Fast, Easy Install…
By putting a bag of SupaMAX Beads inside the tyre during fitting (which is much faster and easier than machine balancing!) you get an automatic, dynamic (i.e. self adjusting) balancing system that:
Lasts the life of the tyre
Gives better contact with the road surface
Saves wear, tear & maintenance on other vehicle parts

SupaMAX Balance Beads Pty Ltd. All rights reserved